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[MAC] Adobe Acrobat DC v21.005.20058 Multilingual macOS 토렌트썸

날짜 : 2021-08-10 (화) 13:49 조회 : 753
다운로드 : [MAC] Adobe Acrobat DC v21.005.20058 Multilingual macOS (3.30 G)

Adobe Acrobat DC v21.005.20058 Multilingual macOS

Adobe Acrobat DC with Adobe Document Cloud services is here. Completely reimagined PDF tools that let you create, edit, sign, and track PDFs from anywhere. It will change the way you work with design layouts, press-ready files, and all your important documents forever.


  • Access powerful print production and digital publishing tools. Preview, preflight, correct, and prepare PDF files.
  • Work anywhere. Create, export, and sign PDFs from your computer or the Acrobat DC mobile app.
  • Take your files with you. Use Mobile Link to access recent files across desktop, web, and mobile.
  • Edit anything. Instantly edit PDFs and scanned documents – as naturally as any other file.
  • Make last-minute changes. Edit text and organize PDF pages on your iPad.
  • Replace ink signatures. Send, track, manage, and store signed documents with a built-in e-signature service.
  • Protect important documents. Prevent others from copying or editing sensitive information in PDFs.
  • Eliminate overnight envelopes. Send, track, and confirm delivery of documents electronically.

What’s New:

Version 21.005.20058:

  • This update provides security mitigations and bug fixes.

Language: Multilangual
Compatibility: macOS 10.14 or later 64-bit
Homepage https://www.adobe.com/


총 게시물 7,703건, 최근 0 건
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